Well inducted, well supported, well trained and well informed volunteers add value and make a difference.
Schools need professional Governors.
We help develop them.
Learn about who we are and what we do.
Through running monthly briefings and online continuing professional development session for Trustees, Governors and Academy Councillors and supporting and training Chairs. We work to make Governance better in Walsall and further afield.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do, you can be an effective Governor and make a difference to young people in your local schools.
Sign up here, free of charge, we don’t share your information with anyone. We’ll keep you informed of everything we know is happening that affects Governance and Governors.
Got a specific question or issue, or want to speak to someone in confidence?
Email us at hello@walsallgovernors.com
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© 2020 Walsall Governors